Embark on intergalactic adventures with Star Trek Voyager's Neelix the Talaxian action figure. Th...
Embark on intergalactic adventures with Star Trek Voyager's Neelix the Talaxian action figure. This highly detailed collectible features Neelix in his iconic uniform, ready to join the crew of the USS Voyager. With multiple points of articulation, this figure allows for dynamic posing and recreating your favorite scenes from the hit TV series. A must-have for any Star Trek fan and a perfect addition to your collection.
Introducing the Star Trek the Motion Picture: Warp Factor Series 2 Ilia Probe 4 Inch Action Figur...
Introducing the Star Trek the Motion Picture: Warp Factor Series 2 Ilia Probe 4 Inch Action Figure. This highly detailed and collectible figure brings the iconic Ilia Probe character to life. With its 4-inch size, it is perfect for display or imaginative play. Add this must-have piece to your Star Trek collection and embark on intergalactic adventures today!
Introducing the Star Trek Doctor Emergency Medical Hologram Target Exclusive Limited Voyager Figu...
Introducing the Star Trek Doctor Emergency Medical Hologram Target Exclusive Limited Voyager Figure! Standing at 9 inches tall, this highly detailed collectible is a must-have for any Star Trek fan. With its exclusive Target release, this limited edition figure showcases the iconic Doctor from the Voyager series. Add this unique piece to your collection and relive the adventures of the USS Voyager.